About us

AMAVET club no. 962 (AMAVET 962) was working from March 20th 2015 to February 16th 2023 as an organizational unit of the NGO called Slovak Association for Youth, Science and Technology which was founded in 1990 (registered in 1993).

AMAVET 962 is an educational organization for children and adults. We are focused on geoinformatics, opensource, opendata, communication skills, personal development, volunteering.

Club members build a community of geoinformation users (GeoCommunity.sk, GeoCommunity.cz). They disseminate awareness of GIS science and technology (GeoInformatika.sk, GIS Day GISkola). We support personality development and local organizations (Promospravy.sk). Club promotes free and open software plus open data (co-organizer and partner of conferences OSSConf, OSS Weekend, Bratislava OpenCamp) and organizes activities for volunteers (Missing maps Slovakia, blood donation, walking with dogs). Our members make trainings of speaking and leadership techniques (Toastmasters Petržalka, Toastmasters for families, Toastmasters for youth).